STAR NEWS to May 29
This week: THREE PLANETS Venus and Mercury and Mars are conjunct this week, visible in the early morning to the East. The Moon will be quarter waning in Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries, only seen in early morning and am hours. Jupiter is also visible in the east at morning as the brightest object before the group of three. Uranus and Lilith also rise together to the east invisible to naked eye before Jupiter and the quad of planets. Dream time and Morning will continue to be most pleasant, but overall, the weather is especially fair to good this springtime.
MOON AND SOL: The Moon joins mercury venus and mars next week, making a grand and fairly unusual cluster heralding the beginning of a warm Summer season.
This Sol week is #13 (Aries/The Hero) and the Dancer of life (Lila/Lilan) began Saturday through Thursday. The Taurus sol week #14 this year begins Friday.
It is the spring month of Taurus, the Bull, in the Year of Golden Rabbit brings stability, production, control, finance, strength, growth, and sensual, earthyness.
Neptune is stationary to go retrograde (O degree of Pisces).
The moon wanes in Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, and Taurus.
The three day psidec is Capricorn Tuesday through Thursday. Aquarius heralds in the weekend.
FORTUNE SIGNS: Taurus all week, Scorpio early part of the week, Sagittarius to Capricorn by the weekend.
SOL SIGNS: Key SOL DAY is Saturday night in Gemini. The SOLUNAR is Friday mid-day ARIES. The Sol Sign pattern is fire and air during the am hours, earth and water in the pm hours (EST) - (Sol sign periods (EST) are 12 hours long; add 6 hours ahead for Europe, 12 hours (approximately) ahead for Asia).
Taurus month best for spring, planting, practical, merchants, purchases, income, work, production, gardens, pleasures.
KEY EVENTS: Moon to Neptune Tuesday. Moon to Uranus Thursday to Friday. Moon to Jupiter Saturday into Sunday. No major planet aspects.
SOL SIGN CODE: Leo is Ormud Bear ‘light of earth’ - Virgo Shariat’s ‘fruits of friendship’; Libra is Bhakti Love and ‘fires of beauty’, Scorpio Prabhu dragon ‘grains of wealth’; Sagittarius Sage and the eagle ‘leaves of charity’, Dolphin Swan and Capricorn Niyan wisdom ‘wind of change’, Aquarius Pegasus Sangwan bright ‘day of love’, Dayal Pisces Whale ‘spirit of brilliant joy’, Lilan Aries life dancer ‘hope of beautiful flowers’, Taurus Shab’s full ‘moon of truth’ river of light; Saturday Chai Gemini ‘traveling teacher’, Karun Cancer ‘caring seas of freedom’ caretaker heart.