THE EAGLE HAS LANDED.. solar universal day 4 - January 17 The Eagle is here in the EAGLE NEST, American Eagles (sun sign cancer and Moon in Aquarius, the PEOPLE born Jan 14 to 26 include I see MOHAMMAD ALI, MARTIN LUTHER KING, BETTY WHITE, KEVIN COSTER AND DOLLY PARTON delta dawn EAGLE 4 Being with the REAL PEOPLE whom we caretake for paneaglesong adam PeterIS STAR ROCK LEGEND d-EAGLE NEST SOLAR UNIVERSAL DAY JANUARY 17 THE EAGLE HAS LANDED.. solar universal eagle day 4 - The Eagle is alive now always and here in the EAGLE NEST, with American Eagles (sun sign cancer Moon in Aquarius), the PEOPLE born Jan 14 to 26 include I see MOHAMMAD ALI, MARTIN LUTHER KING, BETTY WHITE, KEVIN COSTNER AND DOLLY PARTON with the EAGLE 4 being with the Family of NUmans and the REAL PEOPLE whom we caretake for as day 4 eagle finds you among the lovely children with heart full of soul TEACH YOUR CHILDREN WELL as paneaglesong adam PeterIS STAR ROCK LEGEND https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPGx8QR-PU0 Landing in your nest, your family and your life rests for seeing all you are IN-AS-IF-IT-IS-ON now. Have you lived the most dynamic acutely aware and passionately direct in your real being? This may be reflection or anticipation, the delta eagle rests observing and perceiving naturally. This is the four day of the third sunad (#34) EAGLE-d does what it needs, creates as it will. It must always be worthwhile and accurate, of necessity and direction, to feed others, or find the fields of true vision. And the tree of heaven where you roost naturally ……………………..You won’t allow others to tell you, nor take false images idols and appearances at face value. You know better. EAGLE NESTS may requires some building or working, supply and demand in place and well shared. The emotion is never fear nor avoidance of duty or interest that you have on hand or wing. Are you not getting very tired of the same old same old tap... movies tv and home security wrap crap trap.. SHOW YOUR REALNESS. SOLAR-IS presents THE REAL NU SOLAR-IS and SOLAR UNIVERSAL (zodiac-galactic) Developed in 2017 December 18 Solar galactic NU Year day 7 SOLAR(EANS) STAR SEEDS OF 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 ANDROMEDANS,ANTAREANS, ARCTURIANS, URSANS, SYRIANS, ORIONIS, TAU CETI THE e-EAGLE FIVE SOLAR UNIVERSAL DAY JANUARY 18 (numbers 235 day 31 of year one) THE HUMAN NATURAL SOLAR AND UNIVERSAL ENVIRONMENT IS CHANGING DID YOU KNOW? The five bodies of Man Each of us has five bodies in creation, those of the mind body spirit and causal and solarity of itself. The five bodies are not all of us, but we can see the five elements and the five realms associated. In the Da Vinci Painting, the solar body has outstretched two arms legs and a head on the body in a kind of triangle of five points. In the music history of the past century, we found and lost five great players, demonstrating the five seasons of man. These were by birth dates on the five points as John Lennon, Elvis Presley, Prince, Bob Dylan, and Michael Jackson as symbols of musicianship including individuality, leadership, originality, songwriting and playfulness. If we focused on the five seasons, instead of thenorthern created four, man would be in harmony with his SOLARITY, the SUN, AND SOLAREANS. These five seasons are in 72 degree-days during the year. THE SUMER SEA-SONS OF OCEANUS 27 sagittarius to 9 Pisces (winter) 9 pisces to 21 Taurus (spring), 21 Taurus to 3 Leo (spring summer), 3 Leo to 15 Libra (summer fall (indian summer), 15 Libra to 27 sagittarius (Fall) MAJOR EVENTS THIS SOLAR YEAR is no accident we announce the SOLAR UNIVERSAL YEAR ONE, which began December 18. YEAR ONE IS THUSLY THE FIRST GOLDEN YEAR. THE GREAT FULL BLOOD MOON ECLIPSE of JANUARY 31 is coming 2018. The Solarist Universal FEBRUARY 11 opens the door to the SOLAR UNIVERSAL (SOLASTRY (SOLAR ASTROLOGY) and all SOLAR REAL BEINGS OF LIGHT on FACEBOOK SKYPE YOUTUBE Year of DOG will be coming in Mid-February For many this is not perceived, and the Chinese year of dog Chinese and Jupiter in Scorpio rules most human perceptions, seems to be much the same as other years, but here is the ending of the dog soldier military industry loyal patriot flag barking orders and economic follow the leader and intense scrutiny by technology and passionate disregard for nature cannot be formented, or so it begins. Our prognostication is the dog days of summer will be very hot, and the winter as cold as it is will also seem ancient history, as the climate change intensity grows, and the numbers of dumbed down humans becomes seemingly epidemic, we have to find the scent of the true and real, not just our own interests and personal life, which many will cling to unnaturally enough, for Life remains as it is, and we will be okay through all, but only if we keep on our real awarenesss, and be the natural Light we are. The REAL STUCK BROKER : How make yourself broke with wealth and stuck in material possessions This is the story of how WALL STREETS and DARK BRATS pricks (political religious corporate Kontrollers) got a hold of the Reptilian brain humans and found technology to provide STUCK QUOTES of fake reality media news which they serve up daily human farming for techno medical drug oil gas chemical poison companies to use Man Mon-Insanity chemical Muerky Mark General Fuuds Muddy waters of HExx-hONerations Big-Tobacco smoke of true Real-Legions of unnatural non ISNESS and absolute BS full on super bull shite for all to consume and be tap lined advertised monopolized hypnotized super unhuman inhumane and dummed down unreality OR BECOME TO KNOW, WHY IT IS MOST VALUABLE TO KNOW THE NU-U ISNESS AND TRU SOLARITY? Solastry is the Real VIDYA ART of seeing, knowing and Being, in the Solar-IS. The real three dimensions are sun solar and universal, the old body mind spirit, Also the sun soul and god, and the father, son, and holy ghost, and race, genes and sex. the mahanta, savior Christ Buddha allah, all as one, the pure, real and true. No force no fear no fury No form, sign or symbol. no separateness, distinction or deference. This is a tru progression, completeness, and original universality, The one dimensional vu becomes the three dimensional awareness, which becomes the one whole tru reality of being. Of course we do not expect instant recognition or positional actuality, or understanding immediate acceptance, but this is always possible. Christ Buddha Allah all had moments such as these. We all do, whether we were listening when it came. Many will have had many, and few it is that realizes, much less perceives that they did or do. He True Solaris is every moment, the true solarity is in every lifetime. To see the Solareal and Universal position is a second step, the first step of three in the real IS. The first step is singularity, identifying individuality. Mostly this is into the Astral or emotional body. The second step Is the universal position or seeing the relation or universality of our being, the impersonal self, the being with the IS. Mostly this is the spirit mind, to know Solarity, not the real being. SEVEN-7 IS-LAND TRIBES AND IGINAL PEOPLES OF THE NATIONS UNITED............... ORIGINAL universal STAR SEEDS AND ROOT RACES PERSEANS, ERIDANIANS, CENTAURUNS, PLEIADANS, CAPELLANS, AQUILANS, PEGASUNS............... The hunter-gatherers, river people, minoan EARTH bulls, Atlanteans, OceanUS people of MU (lemurians),....... Eaglepedians (Eura-Americans), and Skye winged travelers (Andromedan galactics) Align with ameriginal, afriginal, amaziginals, euriginals, asiaginals, and polynyginals, Of the IS-LANDS of the Real Peoples of AMER, AMAZ, EURA, AFRI, INUS, ABORA AND PALU The real people of AM, AZ, EUR, AF, IN, AB AND PA are IN-AS-IF-IT-IS-ON SOLARITY THE SOLAR UNIVERSAL ZODIAC GALACTIC THE 14 SOLAR SIGNS of 26 days each (a to z days) include cygni swan/dolphin, Aquili eagle, pegasi horse, ceti whale, persi hero, Eridanus river, centaurus camel, Auriga charioteer, unicorn lynx, ursan bear, nebulae owl, bootes shepherd, phoenix griffin draconis, Ophiuchus sage healer doctor.