Sunday, May 13, 2012



The light within us, shines in our eyes, said to be the doorway to the Soul. Yet, few of us have a life that matches the light in the Soul, but all of us have the Stars of Soul, found in the Sol Chart. Here is where we can match the stars of our life with the light of Soul.

There is a special brand of Astrology that was founded by Paneagle, and demonstrates this light of Soul in our current lifetime, and through all of our lifetimes past. Some Stars have their Stars matching the light, and these often become celebrities, or famous, in a particular way. Their lives serve as deacons and demonstrate the "Stars in our eyes".

The SOL SIGN is the formula of the 60th harmonic. It is this sign which marks our lifetime and inner nature, something of a signature of the soul. The sun degree in the 60th harmonic is the main sign degree position, next to the day of birth and the position of the sun as our sun sign. These two together, mark the most important individual signs in a nativity. Their positions and relations to other planets, and the other birth and 60th harmonic positions of the moon and rising degrees especially are a certain dynamic system of revelation of a person's destiny and lifetime.


Elizabeth Taylor was born in 1932, and became the Queen of Hollywood, and probably of America during her lifetime. With Sagittarius rising, her famous National Velvet "horse riding" movie rose her to stardom as her youth alongisde Sagittarian Mickey Rooney. Her sun in sensitive Pisces was a luminous water sign, with a sol in Gemini, also called the charioteer, and a signature of both the actress and a public media figure. Many are born under these signs, but Elizabeth also had her Sol Ascendent in Gemini and closely conjunct her Sol Sun degree (at 16 and 18 degrees of Gemini).

Many stars have certain dynamic conjunctions in specific places, of the Sun or Moon or Ascendent in a natal chart. Liz Taylor was a film actress and celebrity destined by some unique combination. Her ascendent is conjunct that of the United States rising degree, and her Sol sun is close to conjunct the rising of the United States as well. She moved to the United States just after her Velvet success, and became the international sex symbol and collector of diamonds and jewelry, while acting as Cleopatra, the wealthiest queen of the nile. Her outer life reflected the inner life, and her moon in scorpio expressed a strong sexuality and desires, signified also in her emotional water sign elements. Her midheaven in lovely libra was her career marker, and her sol 60th harmonic midheaven in Leo, the career of a very public personality, with a lion heart. Elizabeth married some seven times.

We may ask why did her Stars reveal such intensity and power? Her Sol harmonic moon of Scorpio is exactly conjunct her birth moon degree. This exceptional combination was a show of wealth, beauty, and drama in her life, caring for people with Aids and champion of both many compassionate causes, and products and lifestyles for women. The significant unity of such aspects display where our strengths and Soul attributes may be found. Each of us has some area where we may profoundly know, and become a channel for that light which we have within us. It may be in our soul eyes or our stars, but wherever it may be, it is good to find.

OUR SOL CHART; A manifestation of Soul

Each of us has a soul which has gone through a number of lifetimes, learning from each, and holding inclusion properties of our past experiences, and karma, some of which mold us strongly in the present, and others of which are no longer binding. We learn to maintain or release these qualities, as we also learn the whole quality of Soul. The attributes of Soul are creativity, imagination, ethics, individuality, opinions, among others, and also the qualities of beauty, wisdom, freedom, love, power and charity or compassion. Each of us may hold to one of these specific qualities as a mark of Soul's special nature. Thinking of ourselves as Soul, instead of merely a human with only one life, is useful, but also seeing what we are in his human life, and our destiny as individuals, both physically, and in a greater eternal sense, is valuable.

Kellie Martin is another West Coast actress who has an interesting demonstration in her career. She shares the signs of Libra and Pisces with Elizabeth, as a hollywood actress of her generation. Kellie is known for her luminous eyes, and figure as well as a compassion and sensitivity in her roles. The Sol in her case is ambitious Capricorn. She may well be have that Sagittarius Sol as well, sharing an expansive nature.

MANY SOULS, 144 combinations of SOL AND SUN SIGNS

Each of us has a unique combination of 144 types of birth Sun and the Sol sign. If we add the Rising and the Sol rising degrees, we already have 144x144 or thousands of combinations, making most of us different and unique to a great extent. Adding the Midheaven and the Moon would multiple this unique set of combinations greatly. Already we are talking in millions where each one of us is unique, even if closely placed at birth for location and time. We add that because each of us has a unique history and heritage, that at birth even if the same place and time, we will be quite different in most attributes and expressions of the Star positions and types, and this is easily noted in every birth in families of the same parents. Of course this full manifestation of individual soul is equally spread to the large variability in the entire universe.


The Sol Aries of Michael Jackson, expressed his lithe motion and athletic dancing movement like a Leopard or Cat. Those who are such wealthy productive or earthy people share Sol in Taurus. The Sol Gemini of Lucille Ball combined with her Leo for famous celebrity and playful charismatic and natural physical humor. Mick Jagger is another combination of both Sun and Sol in the Leo Lion sign. Sol Virgo is combined in the human and earthy fashion sense of Sophia Loren, also a Virgo sun. Sol Libra and Sun came together in Mohatma Gandhi, whose life stands for Peace. Salma Hayek born a Virgo, is a Soul Scorpio, as is Bob Dylan, although born in may as a Gemini. Bob is the musical icon, while Salma is known for her sexuality. Sol Sagittarius is exemplified in the sign of freedom, in such as John Lennon, who was also a beautiful peace loving and musical artist with a Libra sun. Sol Capricorn .... Sol Aquarius is found in numerous Stars of Hollywood, and many public figures, such as Abraham Lincoln, who combined Sun and Sol in Aquarius. So it is that special destiny is often found in the combinations of such people. Sol Pisces in Karen Carpenter who died of anorexia, expressed an extreme sensitivity and special artistry while also a lesson in vulnerability, which many others have unfortunately followed.

HARMONIC SYSNATRY OF SOUL: There are no two souls who are Soul Mates. But we do know Souls who are like us, and who being of like signs are harmonic mates in Sol. These is each of us may share many signs with another, and so find or share a life with a mate who is of like nature and complement, even if as they will always be, different. The Sol Mate theory falls short of predicting two Souls destined for each other, but mates in Soul will be naturally found, and the Stars aligned to show the synastry of love.

The harmonic synastry of Sol is that expression of the Sun and Moon and rising and midheaven, to the natal and the 60th harmonic Sol degrees. This is found by the unique method of the 60th harmonic. It can show us how close we may be to another, and what signs we share, that bring us together. If the sun and sol are conjunct, or the moon of one to the sun or sol of the other, there is good chance of sol agreement in purpose or attributes, to show the love that is shared. I have a sol moon to the sol sun of my wife, which is a natural soul tie and sharing of inclined to love, which in our case is the Astrological inclined and progressive love Sign of Aquarius, which is known for February, the month of Love. It may suppose this harmonic tie is very good when both Souls are evolved and understanding of their nature. Finding the love tie of our Synatry charts is a key which will define and show how the couple best remain partners in this lifetime.

TO DISCOVER YOUR SOL SIGN: CONTACT email and address to Paneagle your birth time, date and place.

D'ESTINY THE E-BOK SERIES - by P. Marshall Adams kindle edition
READ D'ESTINY - 2012 and Six Parts on Kindle Reader at AMAZON


Tuesday, February 28, 2012



Galactician and Sol Astrologer Paneagle again picks the winner, this time the 2012 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION.

There is little doubt in view of the 2012 November 6 Election Chart. The moon in Leo conjuncts Obama birth sun at 12 Leo in the late afternoon, and sol jupiter (optimism) and the north node (good karma) occurs also around middle of election night. Obama should be clearly taking the electoral college by midnight EST or earlier (the Sol Degree in Libra conjuncts his sol moon at 3am, but venus at 11 degree in Libra around 12pm).

Although Obama may have an easy time winning, he faces great and tough decisions which he must realize are economic and diffident ideals of which the country is greatly challenged, much of which is issues of honesty, political and business agenda surrounding immigration, foreign policy, energy, medical, environment, and drug industry manipulation. This Sol Taurus is entrusted to secure the nations economic and realistic foundation of support, as well as environment and stability. He has positively been respected to this early 2012 period, but the increasing tension and difficulty of national perpective and station is eroding. Obama takes on a most difficult set of issues in the coming 4 years of his presidency (Including the pluto oppposite and uranus square our sun) (The Saturn in Scorpio opposite his Sol in Taurus) comes close during the election and speaks strongly of such challenges which he is being entrusted with, such that earthy taurus economic and resource dynamics are faced or resist change. Environmental problems, natural or psychological in political and humanitarian elements are to be faced, such that the depression or possible continued limitations and conservative approaches and human conscious attitudes are effected to the forefront of decisions. (Sol Uranus 9 degree of aquarius opposite the Leo). We can expect the movement on these issues is far from resolved. It is clear Obama cares for the nation's concerns, and has good intention and strong vitality to the issues and people, of which he has overall a largesse of support and faith which got him elected previously. (Sol libra moon and his mars conjunct the USA Neptune, his Venus conjunct the usa Venus and Jupiter. (*SOL sign is the 60th harmonic astrological position). In short, there is little need to deny the incumbent candidate as this year's republican errors do not validate enough of the original republican ideal. Status Quo being a national monument, the election of a second term seems very likely.

Paneagle has predicted the last 4 Super Bowls and last 4 Elections accurately, including the close race with Gore and Bush in 2000. View the following blogspots for more - solastrology, lovesigns7.


Progressions to 2012: The USA faces new cycles in Pisces and Scorpio which indicate sympathy and bias, but weakness and emotionality which may secure illusionary bias, and factors which derive challenge to our principles. Liberty is sacrificed for profit or property, political agenda, business power, and security of patriotism. This continuing decline occurs while we surrender or promote military weaponry and motivations, thus our secondary strength of universality gives way to the powers of the world markets, and conditions outside our own, or finds inner problems and weakness growing. The Soul of the nation has had many challenges, because itself is buried in much original dysfunction that persists today. This has both increased our will to victory, and the desire to devalue people to things, money, or other national interests. Government economics and business organization has manipulated greatly, and karmic forces of this misuse of power also derives to some of our great strengths. Therefore, the balancing of accounts, such as national debt, comes to a head in the coming 8 to 10 years.

Monday, January 23, 2012


Paneagle, the Sol Galactician, paneagle7 yahoo and Eagle Works,

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


(The GALACTIC ZODIAC ALIGNS WITH THE ECLIPTIC EARTH ZODIAC PATH IN 2012)* The North point of Earth in Celestial path of 26,000 years and the Northern Constellations it passes through