Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Dear Roseanne Barr;
I am 100% supportive of your election run. I know your not nuts at all. Going for it is GOOD.
You can run a low cost or cost free election, which is refreshing at many levels. Television interviews would be nearly enough. I knew all the candidates in 2008 are wasting ‘our money’ just like the military and war on drug policing does. Why run a fatally losing bid for election? Keeping truth alive, you are standing for good things which we need. Legal marijuana being one of them. Elected officials should not be bought and paid for. Work the media and run your tours with in person visits.
If I may comment, Roseanne, your born in the month of wealth, but your economic ideas (no cash money) seem short sighted, but you have very good points. Yes to marijuana decriminalization. Yes to devalue college loans. Yes to being the people’s choice. Yes to Green Tea Party. Yes to having the people be your vice president and input on decisions, likely done via internet voting. Yes to green energy. Yes to campaign donation changes. Yes, to being President gratis; Just the book alone after election would seem like enough earnings to me. Why not write the book before your elected? The people do have to pay for the house and meals and travel of the President. Who would need a salary? You could be the first online campaign write-on candidate.
On election day, my stars are 90% compatible. Yours show 63% which is good. Obama is the only other who I see stands a chance. Because I think it is possible a woman will be elected in 2020, your still a good candidate for opening door. I hope you will let me be of support. Why not “assume as if” your already President, and already the people’s choice, receiving the votes of the people for what they truly want. Do it all online. It will be a great service.
This is the same as your assumption you will do the will by the people and for the people. Look and act the part, and there is a chance. Humor goes a long way, a lot better than being a candidate of anger and arrogance, which is what most seem to be. Revolutions begin from within, your ground breaking strategy is wise, so make sure it is sound enough for the people to really hear it.
You are a SOL sign AQUARIUS, the Winged Horse, with an inner side being universal, and a progressive people's humanitarian. As a friend of yours, my own history of many lifetimes includes this one growing up in the town Bill Clinton lives in now, New York, and a descendant of first Massachusetts Governors. I have a last name of the second and sixth presidents too. Today I am a “spiritual psychologist” with 40 years as the American Sol Astrologer. Serendipity shows me that our charts are at high friendship levels. We think a lot alike. I even lived on the Johnson's mac-nut farm in east Hawaii. Now I live in rich farm land area (with my wife and stepson) in a former Garden of Eden in North Florida. It could be Eden again, if not for the people who live here. It may be once again. Let it unfold. A Golden Age once more.
Best of Luck and Love; Peter
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
I provide the daily SOL SIGNS. This is the 60th harmonic of the sun.
This is a 12 hour sign that takes 6 days to complete. This forum will allow us to see the sol signs this week and then allows feedback when it is in your signs.
(The 12 hour sol sign is related indirectly to the average daytime or nightime and the 6 days related the idea of six degrees of separation.)
To test and present the theory, the 12 hour signs are given. If you have a sol conjunction to a sun or moon or rising sign, you may note the time of day it is exact by the 60th harmonic conjunction. Sol sun signs takes approximately (not exactly) 12 hours to change sign.
Today tuesday June 14th the sol sign is Aquarius daytime (time for western hemisphere and EST. (Europe would be 6 hours different, Asia 12 hours ahead) SOL SUN changes in evening to Pisces and then through the nightime hours.
The 6 day SOL WEEK always begins with Sol Aries on Wednesday morning EST.
Taurus is wednesday evening. Sol Gemini is thursday daytime. Cancer is thursday evening. Leo is friday daytimes. Virgo friday evening. Libra saturday daytime, Scorpio saturday night. Sagittarius sunday and Capricorn sunday night. Aquarius returns monday morning 6 days later than the week before. (There are 60 sol weeks in a year, thus the 60th harmonic label fits)
There are also conjunctions once a week of SOL SIGN and SUN SIGN. The gemini sun will have a sol sun gemini catch it on June 16th at 25 Gemini. This makes key this thursday daytime EST or nightime in Europe, Asia. Things begin, for one thing, such as the US Open Golf tournament in DC area. There is also the SOL LUNAR this week, when the sol sun and the Moon join. The Moon this week is in Sagittarius, so we had a sol lunar on Monday. The next one takes 7 days and coincides with the normal week we all follow. The next sol lunar is next monday, as the moon will be in Pisces just as the sol sign meets it monday night.
All solar returns always have a sol sun 60th harmonic return as well. There is a good reason for knowing the sol signs. The sol arc progressions in our lifetime can be major indicators. The sol sign method works. Your birth 60th harmonic sun is your sol sign (sol = light of the sun). Yes you can draw a natal chart for the SOL.
Example of how to use the sol sign - well, saturday night is sol scorpio - couples night without the kids, this is an easy one.
Check it out. Let us know if you find something. (As the sol sign is aquarius today (my sol moon sign) and the moon in sagit (my sun sign) and the sun in gemini (my sol sign). Good time to begin this thread.)
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
This week: THREE PLANETS Venus and Mercury and Mars are conjunct this week, visible in the early morning to the East. The Moon will be quarter waning in Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries, only seen in early morning and am hours. Jupiter is also visible in the east at morning as the brightest object before the group of three. Uranus and Lilith also rise together to the east invisible to naked eye before Jupiter and the quad of planets. Dream time and Morning will continue to be most pleasant, but overall, the weather is especially fair to good this springtime.
MOON AND SOL: The Moon joins mercury venus and mars next week, making a grand and fairly unusual cluster heralding the beginning of a warm Summer season.
This Sol week is #13 (Aries/The Hero) and the Dancer of life (Lila/Lilan) began Saturday through Thursday. The Taurus sol week #14 this year begins Friday.
It is the spring month of Taurus, the Bull, in the Year of Golden Rabbit brings stability, production, control, finance, strength, growth, and sensual, earthyness.
Neptune is stationary to go retrograde (O degree of Pisces).
The moon wanes in Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, and Taurus.
The three day psidec is Capricorn Tuesday through Thursday. Aquarius heralds in the weekend.
FORTUNE SIGNS: Taurus all week, Scorpio early part of the week, Sagittarius to Capricorn by the weekend.
SOL SIGNS: Key SOL DAY is Saturday night in Gemini. The SOLUNAR is Friday mid-day ARIES. The Sol Sign pattern is fire and air during the am hours, earth and water in the pm hours (EST) - (Sol sign periods (EST) are 12 hours long; add 6 hours ahead for Europe, 12 hours (approximately) ahead for Asia).
Taurus month best for spring, planting, practical, merchants, purchases, income, work, production, gardens, pleasures.
KEY EVENTS: Moon to Neptune Tuesday. Moon to Uranus Thursday to Friday. Moon to Jupiter Saturday into Sunday. No major planet aspects.
SOL SIGN CODE: Leo is Ormud Bear ‘light of earth’ - Virgo Shariat’s ‘fruits of friendship’; Libra is Bhakti Love and ‘fires of beauty’, Scorpio Prabhu dragon ‘grains of wealth’; Sagittarius Sage and the eagle ‘leaves of charity’, Dolphin Swan and Capricorn Niyan wisdom ‘wind of change’, Aquarius Pegasus Sangwan bright ‘day of love’, Dayal Pisces Whale ‘spirit of brilliant joy’, Lilan Aries life dancer ‘hope of beautiful flowers’, Taurus Shab’s full ‘moon of truth’ river of light; Saturday Chai Gemini ‘traveling teacher’, Karun Cancer ‘caring seas of freedom’ caretaker heart.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
The commonly known Zodiac is the SOLAR path across the Ecliptic plane. It relates signs to the yearly path of the SUN through the constellations between the tropics of 23 degrees of the Equator.
The New Zodiac used the SOLAR path along the Celestial Plane that takes 26,000 years. This is what we call the Galactic Zodiac. It is not invention, but is the progression of the SUN through the 12 constellations in each sign every 2100 years. These are the Great Ages which currently correspond to the change from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, which we may call the Age of Cetus the Whale, into the Age of Pegasus the Winged Horse.
THE SOLAR CONSTELLATIONS * Each of us also has a SOL SIGN which aligns with the great ages but more importantly with our inner self, Soul * This degree of Sign is found in the 60th harmonic or second degree of the Sun. Here is the order corresponding to the signs from Aries to Pisces.
Each of us has a Sol and a Sun sign. This makes up the vital ASTROLOGICAL combination as the Sol sign degree is found within the SUn sign degree. Although the signs of the Celestial Zodiac are not set exactly on the Celestial Sphere, as we expand our context, they align with the equator through the ecliptic plane to the celestial sphere and the north star. They also form a general band of Constellations and definitions which of course have metaphorical aphorisms.
It is to be understood that there is the component of inner and outer nature in the cosmos, and the dimensions of this Zodiac, so the monthly dates and signs normally used are only reference points to these innate SOL qualities. It is actually the Earth that passes through the Ecliptic plane, and the SUN that passes through the celestial sphere. The other name for Sun is SOL, and also Helios, so we see the Light aspect of the Solar path, and the inner SOUL in Humans, and in the balance of opposites in the world which implies the creative aspect in the natural coordinated system.
Each of us has a Sol and a Sun degree. If we notice the recent end of world 2012 predictions, and the urge to include Ophiuchus the doctor healer in the zodiac constellations leads us to the actual zodiac and the future answer. The Age of the Doctor Healer doesn't arrive for another 4200 years. This is also aligned to the constellation Draco the Dragon and the sign Scorpio, so our human relationship to this Earth and world very likely will not suffer Armeggeddon for at least until that period, which is some 9 to 10,000 years into this Iron or Kali Yuga age.
Knowing your soul nature is a key. The future as well opens to one who understands this relationship of the human and soul. It unfolds also to who you are and why you are here. The key designation of a real world change comes with the alignment of Polaris the North Star at true north in 100 years. This time in 2100 AD will be navigational point of direction to the destiny and potential evolution of the Human Race and probably a true opening of the cosmic doorways, which includes the inner dimension which man is working to understand in his psychology, astronomy, and human and psycho-social sciences.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Find out just how remarkable you are and how special. This true expansion of who you really is, is eternal, and there is no end. Every day we take another step toward it. Every day is one more step into eternity. If you only knew just how remarkable and amazing you truly are, you would know I cannot say in words or express in any way that comes close. But there it is. You are Soul, a part or spark of God, a ruler of a universe, and much more.
You may explore a first light of that Wonder that you are with Paneagle and the Sol Astrology, or simple find out a little more with a sound, a light, or what is within yourself.
"All the wonder that you are, no more hesitation, no more instigation. No more resignation. For all it is that you are, In all the wonder that you are."
A song from Paneagle
Thursday, January 6, 2011
These SOL CHART readings introduce the very exact SOL SIGN METHOD. With SOLAR ARCS, and SOL SIGNS, one can determine major life patterns and key life years. The SOL SIGNS and SOL CHARTS is developed by Paneagle, the one world Galactician, practicing since 1975, the method came through extensive research in the 1990's and formulated in this new Millenium for the modern age of Technological Astrology.
(Mr. Adams has written many e-books, Destiny, Dancing in the Kitchen, The Soul of Stars, The Ameriginal, In the Masters Garden, Nuetics, Psience & Soulogy, founded Eagle Works and Paneagle2000 for self help, spiritual psychology, novels, poems and songs & discovered numerous advanced Astrological and Numerological techniques)
Find here the chart data and degree progression for famous people or read the web site pages attached to this author.
May 26, 1948, 3:02 AM in:Phoenix (AZ) Sun: 5°03' Gemini Moon:15°01' Capricorn Ascendant: 18°38' Aries Midheaven: 11°18' Capricorn Chinese Astrology: Earth Rat Numerology: Birthpath 8 SOL 3aquarius luna 1libra solrise 8tau mc 18aquarius
Stevie the musical Gemini songstress is a sol Aquarian, independent solo act or playing with Fleetwood mac, (Capricorn moon conjunct her MC and Aries rising). Nicks torched her way to success first with the (Sol rise to her Sun) at age 27 (1975) as she (libra sol moon) and Libran Lindsay Buckingham joined the english rhythm section with unparalled rock melody and harmony.
With (Capricorn moon arc to her MC) at age 33 brought first solo career (1981) work, the Sun to her Cancer descendent at age 36 (1984) with her 80’s Enchanted solo albums, and the Rising arc to Stevie’s Sun at age 47 (1995) as a second jump with the album Trouble in Shangri la that followed. This year as Jupiter conjuncts her Ascendent, she releases Secret Love, the third solo return with her first album in over 10 years and joins Capricorn Rod Stewart on tour (with her MC and Moon conjunct in Capricorn). She again touches the heart and soul of music lovers and spirit dancers who share her love of music and rock and roll, the Sol Rise (soul) reaches her SOL IC(heart) at age 63 this year (2011), a perfect exposition of the sol arc method.
Barack Obama was elected the first ever African-American U.S.President in 2008 as idealistic Neptune was conjunct his rising in public minded Aquarius. The Leo Lion is among numerous other Leaders such as Bill Clinton and Arnold Scwarzenegger. His first major arc of Sol to his Moon in Gemini at age 30 led to degrees and public office, and the rising arc to his sol ascendant at age 46 (2007) brought him strong appeal and a conjunction to his Jupiter. Barack loves sports, reading, traveling, and speaking, all parts of his Leo and Gemini character, but his Taurus Sol is working on economic and environment issues in the public forum. His wife Michelle shares her Sol Moon and his Sol Sun in Taurus conjunct as perhaps the strongest relationship bond one can have.
The Future Obama: He will continue to be influential with the Moon arc to his Sun in Leo at age 69, and even up to his MC arc to his Ascendent at age 80. Uranus will conjunct his Sol ascendant in 2011 indicating a rise in political fortune, while the Pluto to his Sol MC indicates a challenge to his political and ideal career motivations around the year 2019. Obama was born with Agena conjunct his Midheaven in Scorpio indicating success with the masses, good health and high morals and his destiny to become the first black President. Jupiter will conjunct his Sol in 2012, and his Moon during the election period of 2012. Pluto quincunx his Sun in 2013 is not a positive indication for his long term public ambitions and the health plan and social security initiatives he has motivated the nation towards. Obama shared his moon and ascendant and sol sign with the USA Moon, Sol, Pluto and jupiter venus conjunction in the signs of Aquarius, Taurus, Gemini, Capricorn relating his heart, soul, transformation and economic and political purposes during his residency.
Jake Gylenhall is a very fortunate Son of Entertainers who was born with a triple conjunction of Sagittarius Sun and SOL sun conjunct (on the sol midheaven also), and his Moon and Sol moon (LUNA) are also conjunct. This is a very unusual and special Sol* arrangement for any lifetime. His adventure and freedom in acting career is notable, as is his romantic appeal and celebrity, although he plays serious roles of often dysfunctional or people in difficult experience. I suspect a long history in past lives in acting and among those in that profession.
Jake (Leo Ascendent) has his midheaven in the degree of Taurus corresponds with the longitude of Hollywood. Others who share this Taurus are sun signs of Hollywood royalty, Jack Nicholson, Barbara Streisand, Shirley Maclaine, among many others born in late April. Destiny was written on the wall from Jake's early age (Sol Moon progressed to his sol Moon at age 6). His sol ascendent at 18 pisces shows a sensitive and creative inner nature, joyful if sometimes dispirited. He found love with one March Born actress, but it may well be the January born woman who becomes his eventual partner. He would have gone through some changes with Reese Witherspoon and their public romance during the 2006-8 years when Pluto was conjunct in Sagittarius. He needs to tone the wild side, and be careful in his process of becoming a greater soul, which is his necessary direction with the triple conjunction. An Icon he may be, but he does not wish to carry that falseness with him. He may look to more success shortly with Uranus and Jupiter in happy aspects during the next year and 7 years from now.
Renee Zelwegger April 25, 1969, 2:41 PM Baytown Tx (Key years 26 (moon rising), age 35 sun to MC, luna to sol 26 and age 27 mc to luna luna to solrise 39 mc to sol age 53)
Renee Zelwegger made her mark with the film Jerry McQuire in 1996, (she had three major arcs occur in that year (moon rising, luna to sol, and midheaven to luna). She won academy awards, the first in 2001 after having broken up with Jim Carrey, first for her role in Bridget Jones which was written also in 1996. Later she was honored for Chicago and Cold Mountain as she reached her second milestone in 2004/5 with the sun to her midheaven career peak, which included an amicable annulment from singer Kenny Chesney. Renee also was in the process of making the biography of Beatrix Potter and Cinderella Man which gave her more awards and nominations.
A third key year was 2008/9 when she made Appaloosa and Case 39 and My One and Only. There will be one more grand star event at age 53, though her career shall likely continue with many successes as the midheaven arcs to her sol in Aquarius. Renee has her sol conjunct by the USA Moon, and even if born of Norwegian and Siwss parents, reminding us of Ingrid Bergman, she was born in Texas, and is truly an American Film Darling. She is a Taurus sun which aligns with the Hollywood latitude shared by many born in Late April including names such as Maclaine, Thurman, Nicholson, Streisand and Winger. Her Aquarian Sol and Sol Moon is the sign of public figures, icons, and humanitarians. Often electic in taste, they also are very individual and independent, although I think she may prefer intimacy. The Moon in leo is a high entertainer with romances among them, but her virgo rising is quite serious about her craft and fashion, the sol rise in Pisces adding that sensitivity and artistry, combined versatility is quite extraordinary and for which she is so well known, being one of the highest paid actresses today through her Gemini midheaven, acting is quite her natural career.
Paneagle is the founder of Pandata2000 and Sol Astrology. He was born with Nu Ophiuchi (new doctor healer) conjunct his Mercury and Chiron in Capricorn. During Neptune to his Sun in Sagittarius in 1980, he became the first Galactician forming the Galactic Zodiac and ‘pure positive’ Harmonic Astrology. In 1995, As Uranus conjunct his progressed Sun and Sol Moon in Aquarius, he developed the Sol Zodiac and began writing his E-Series of Nine Books, writing in multiple genre works of self-help (Dancing in the Kitchen), fiction (Destiny), screenplay (Soul Rocker), songs (Pure Love, Eternal Beloved), reality fiction (The Ameriginal), and poetry (The Master's Garden).
His Arc of the Moon to his Sol Midheaven at age 50 in 2001 came in the "Year of the Star Child" when he announced the Sol Zodiac and Eagle Works, and shared writing of an award winning relationships software. Although he continues work much under the world radar, he continues to develop new works such as Soulogy, Spiritual Psychology, and the music screenplay. As the Sun arc’s to his Luna (sol moon) at age 55 in 2003, he met his wife and they were publicly married on January 1, 2011 under a very favorable sol trine and a Jupiter Uranus conjunction. They share a sol moon to sol sun in Aquarius, a great love bond signature. The Sol sun arc to his Midheaven in Virgo at age 74 shows a steady rise to perfection of life work.
Genius heaven
Edwin Barlow, the First Teacher of the Year was born dec 11, 1922 – A short analysis of a genius chart: sun conjunct merc in sag (high intelligence), moon in virgo (heart for functional detail) square sun and merc (objective and critical), sol sign Taurus or Gemini (either down to earth character, or mercurial type) Venus in scorpio (intensity) - Mars in pisces (reclusive) – mars conjunct Uranus (war involvement) with mars in sol aries (is conjunct DA’s sol sign in Aries- the hero) internally aggressive and proponent of a specific teaching style - His venus conjunct DA’s rising and Jupiter in scorpio – a distinct and deep love/warmth/joy to know the person - Jupiter trine Uranus is distinct and profound intelligence. These two planets join again this year. - Mr. Barlow died in a very significant year for Eckankar when the religion of light and sound of God built the temple of ECK in 1990, October, in Minnesota, and was open to public. He was said to be devout or religious, although very privately so.
*The word Sol means light of the sun, inner light, or Soul. A Sol Chart is the special inner harmonic chart of a person's galactic signs of birth using the degrees of the minute of arc (60th harmonic). This is directly related to the hour of arc degree used in common astrology, and gives a full lifetime perspective of an individual.
Robin williams is a fantastic example of Solar-IS and Solastry, Solar ARCS and life key dating progressions.
Robin was the emotional dramatic creative artist (cancer, pisces), with his soul heart in comedy and humor (sagittarius), with his spirit of communication and expression, intelligence (mental gemini), his public figure and humanity (aquarius) alongside his Leo (persona showman) character and passionate intense ambitions (scorpio).
Cancer AS: 12°34' Scorpio Moon: 9°32' Pisces MC: 22°15' Léo THE DRAMATIC ARTIST SHOWMAN
Solar calculation 118 253 69 - 300 18 53 69 – 71 69 300 – 440 – 80 solaris gemini 20 Sun 28 can 13 sagittarius 9 gemini Moon 9 pis 32 8 Asc 12 sco 33 38 Mc 22 leo 14 42 Lunar 339 212 128 – 600 79 – 679 - 19 aquarius lunaris
Progressions of a Sol, Solar and Solaris arcs
MC * Prog MC 22 Leo to second Moon Scorpio at 2 Leo at age 70. He was 65 at time of death. His ascendent at 12 scorpio at age 72 was never reached, and suggests his actual lifetime was cut short by his own hand, not his d'estiny. I believe he strongly resisted his recurring aging illness and onset of dimentia.
Age 24 sun con mc 1975 BEGINS CAREER mork and mindy 1977
Solaris progress age 38 conjunct sun 1989 Dead Poets society and 1987 Good Morning Vietnam
SUN TO VIRGO 1983 change to Hollywood movie career
Lunaris progression moon age 20 1971 Growing up in San Francisco Bay Area
Prog Sun opposite Pisces Moon in 1992 and s-lunar conjunct sol 13 sag at age 41 in 1993 – mrs doubtfire (scorpio to sagittarius)
Sun prog to LIBRA in 2013 : His new marriage partner
His moon in pisces 9 degree is on solaris gps line of virgo in San Francisco Bay Area. His rising 12 scorpio is 10 degrees is 2 degrees from his sol asc at 4 taurus. 4 taurus is the 34th parallel, Hollywood, California.
Robin is the archetype of Comedians and Public Personality, humor, invention and creativity, intense, manic, an American icon of Mark Twain and Will Rogers style, a voice of the people who combined movie and television comedy and drama to its zenith, all while carrying his personal demons and individual craziness, he was loved by all, even those who could be called enemies and conservatives, which both like and unlike his personality, he was as well both to himself and perhaps others, of the human condition never better demonstrated. Life was a lark and a movable feast to a kind hearted drug addicted word and mind smyth perhaps the greatest in American Huistory. His chart combined Humor (sagittarius and gemini) Passion and sensitivity (scorpio and pisces) creativity artistry and invention (pisces and aquarius) and the great playful showmanship individuality (leo)
Calling her “Hollywood’s Queen” ELIZABETH TAYLOR’s death came on March 23, 2011 around 1 AM (with Scorpio rising to her moon sign and Neptune semisquare to Saturn from aquarius to libra) We knew her public life and trials with fame, wealth, causes, and husbands and as a great actress, mother, and alluring public icon of beauty, Elizabeth passed as the moon in Scorpio squared Venus and Neptune and the Sol was in Leo (movie star cache). Born of English heritage who became the Movie Star and Queen of America, her sol sun in public and humane minded Aquarius was conjunct Venus this month, while last night the moon was conjunct her scorpio moon. The world salutes and mourns the passing at age 79 of an idealisticm caring, and intense personality with a life filled with husbands, intelligence, talent, and a notable presence as perhaps the most beautiful woman of her time (ascendant and sol midheaven in fiery Sagittarius - fire in her eyes). As her rising completed its arc conjunct to her luminous Pisces sun, she begins a new life in that other world among many whom we would believe have loved her in this life and gone on ahead will attest.
PRINCE WILLIAM born 6-21-82 London at 9:03 pm, is a cancer sun and moon conjunct, with libra midheaven, a social public career of a mostly private person who requires a public persona. William has his Luna (sol moon) in virgo, sol rising in scorpio who lost his beloved (Cancer sun, sol sign Scorpio) and renowned mother, Princess Diana to tragic death in Paris, France. As Pluto in Sagittarius passed his 12th house a decade ago, the Prince shared mourning with the world. Later Pluto reached his rising Neptune increasing ties with his future wife during time of his military service and around the world work efforts.
Jupiter now reaches his Uranus (world publicity) at age 30 after a Saturn return in 2009, and now as Uranus opposes his Midheaven and is conjunct the 4th house IC, Prince William will marry Kate Middleton in July 2011. Uranus will begin a 7 year cycle in his 4th house of home and family life, and as he marries with Pluto opposite his Moon that brings some challenge or desire for child rearing. The Sol in Aries will arc to his Venus (cusp of 5th house) at age 49, which could very well be his coronation as King. The Sun will arc to his Luna at age 88 and the Moon at age 84, and Moon to his IC at 86 suggest a long and fulfilling lifetime.
John Travolta February 18, 1954 at 2:53 PM in Englewood Cliffs, NJ was born in Aquarius with a sol in Pisces. He is seen as sensitive creative artist but masculine and emotional. His sol rising is 7 aquarius, and his luna is sol 8 aquarius closely conjunct, to identify him as a human icon personality of world wide reknown. He loves to fly, and of course his famous movie star affords him many extras in life. He has had troubles with the loss of his son, as Pluto was in quincunx to his ascendant and sextile his sun.
His lovely Libra wife Kelly Preston has brought them another child in 2010 at her age of 48. His sol midheaven is 7 cancer, and Pluto opposing this in 2012 indicates some challenge or noteworthy career event such that he probably will be spending much time with his child than with his career. Kelly's sun in Libra in harmony with air sign John, and her Aries moon is direct to his midheaven as they share their acting career and similar purpose in life. Her sol is either in the sign of Sagittarius or Scorpio. Scorpio would indicate a morning birth and her strength through the trial of losing their son, and personal sexual charisma, much in harmony with John’s water Sol in Pisces. John would have found his 8 pisces sol advance to the MC at 13 Aries at age 35 (1989), when he met his wife on the set of the Experts, and that year was the success of Look Who’s Talking. They married in 1991 in Scientology style, although he married her in a different form later. His moon in Virgo and independent Aquarian life choices is prominent in his nature. Their son Jett was born in 1992, and died in 2009. One of his best friend’s is Robin Williams who is born with sun conjunct John’s ascendant, as in the movie ‘Old Dogs’ and of the significance of a sun in Cancer being particular to the title.
Chrissie Hynde is a lifetime enterprising female rocker with a Sol in Leo, natural “showoman” musician and leader of the Pretenders. Her dark haired intensity(scorpio ascendant) holds with a conviction of a strong heart (midheaven in cancer) that brought hits in the 80’s like “Back in the Chain Gang”. She is still rocking into her 60’s, although she changed focus of her music towards country rock. Her peak years were at age 35 in 1986 (rising progressed to moon) and 4 years later (as her Sun arched to her Libra rising also at age 39). The Pretenders are still rocking in the free world, even if she also is strongly related to social issues and humanitarian insights. The USA Pluto conjunct her Luna indicating a soul of transformational character and inner strength.
Heath ledger born in April in Perth, Australia, died too early of an accidental drug overdose prior to his birthday at age 30 on 22 January 2009 (as Pluto entered Capricorn and opposite his Sol and Moon signs. He was seen both vulnerable as a victim and a significant figure of a generation of movie idol worship. His key career acting roles came late in the Dark Knight, and in a breakthrough film about gay cowboys starring non-gay actors, and his death symbolized a kind of celebrity hero with a dark side of film and society which his role as anti-hero to Batman personified. He acutely made a creative finale in a film about death and Satanic control of mind in the Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus that unusually depicted a kind of delirium similar perhaps to taking drugs and brought a view of the afterlife.
Heath was born with a sun conjunct the ascendant, in self expressive and independent Aries, and his midheaven is opposite and sun conjunct the USA Sun where the Australian found himself famous. He was creative and sensitive, a charismatic but strangely vulnerable male lead much like James Dean. His Luna in Leo signifies iconic success. His midheaven had progressed from 20 cancer to his sol moon in leo in his 20’s as his acting success peaked, probably exact near his last year of life.
Christopher Reeve of September 25, 1952, 3:12 AM in New York is a handsome and sweet Sun in Libra and the Superman film star born in New York City, with the sol sign of Leo and sol moon in Taurus sharing the degree signs of that city. Reeve is one of those signs of entertainment and money, but also the strong lionhearted showman and heroic leadership nature that continued despite being paralyzed falling off a horse. Christopher Reeve has Leo rising sign conjunct this Sol sun, and surely the Soul of heaven was involved in this individuality that played the famous role of Superman (1978), and later championed Spinal cord research funding after his near fatal and life changing accident in 1995.
These two points in Reeve's life at age 26 and age 43 followed planetary conjunctions (Pluto to his sun, and then to his Moon), where he embraced a life as a social icon and ideal of heroic emotions. It was not his spinal injury, but a dietary problem that caused his death. The rising progressed had reached his Sun at age 43, indicating a key year. It had been 10 years earlier when his sol progressed to his Sun in 1985. He was involved in many social humanitarian causes, not the least of which was the one begun during his difficult physical condition. The heroic leadership and advocacy he endorsed came to be his life mission. His sol moon conjunct his midheaven indicated powerful resources within him to fight for and by such earthly challenges, but also to rise above physical limitations spiritually to the call he heard. It is assured that he could tell all of us that he survived, as we all do, and to be heroic in life, for there is no need to fear death, or any other challenge that may come up. To face truth square on, and live a life always to the good, with a spiritual grace. This exemplifies the true character of a Superman.
HULK HOGAN BORN August 11, 1953, 6:13 AM in:Augusta (GA) is a body building wrestler and actor who has built his own franchise based on personality and athleticism. His Leo rising and sun sign and Arian Hero Sol sign are clear markers for physicality and showmanship. A principle for increasing the popularity of wrestling, Hulk has Luna (sol moon) also in Leo and exactly conjunct his sun that shows a unity of purpose and life definition made of a fiery individuality and character-minded persona. As the progressed (Sol to Taurus Midheaven) the earthy development of physique at age 19 began his wrestling (1972) and followed with movies, which came along as the moon later progressed to his Leo sun at age 38 in 1991. He coordinated entertainment and sports television, mostly up to the time of 1997 as the Ascendant arched to his Moon at age 44 competing to peak periods in sport media through the 90’s. He continues media involvements with family members and through a divorce into his late 50’s. Hulk does make a good case for the moon to sun connection in relationships with his wife who is a Virgo, and she probably has a sol in Taurus (could be aries) aligned to Hulk’s midheaven, and near to his Sol sign on the cusp of aries and Taurus. Physical showmanship and financial coordination alongside a lifestyle of physical fitness mark the sign elements of this kind.
Julian Lennon April 8, 1963 Julian is the first born son of John Lennon who is now a natural planet activist, photographer, filmmaker and musician, who was born with the moon in libra conjunct his famous father’s sun. The Aries with ascendent Taurus inherited wealth and musical talent (much too late for goodbye’s) and a similar voice to his father, a sensitive Pisces caretaker Sol sign, he loves the oceans and animals, human or otherwise protecting the planet. As Sun arched to his Ascendent and Sol sun reached his sun at age 34 in 1997 during the release of the Beatles Anthology, Pluto was in Sagittarius near his sol midheaven, and he also appeared in the movie Cannes Man. In 2007 (as Uranus was in Pisces conjunct his Sol) during the production of his fine and well-received “Whale Dreamer” documentary about environmental issues and listening to the Whales, (his sol and Sol Ascendent are conjunct in Pisces) revealing signs of his true inner nature and interests.
Bill ClintonAugust 19, 1946 Hope, ak Sun: 26°03' Léo Moon: 20°53' Taurus Ascendant: 18°11' Libra Midheaven: 19°55' Cancer Sol 3 sagittarius
Clinton advanced sun progressed to libra rising at age 48, in 1994 with his first term as President. The ascendent arched to his sol in Sagittarius at age 45 during the election of 1991-2 year. His midheaven progressed to his Leo sun at age 27, in 1983, during the becoming governour of Arkansas. But he was already ambitious as a youth with his sol reaching his sun point at age 23. The moon arches to his midheaven at age 59 in 2005 as he returned to public efforts to assist humane causes around the world. He also shares the same power position in American politics (in the same position as Jefferson and Washington) who share his Capricorn sol moon conjunct the USA Pluto and opposite its mercury, all bearing controversy, challenges, and the strength and will of leadership.
GEROGE W BUSH July 6, 1946 New Haven (CT) Sun: 13°47' Cancer Moon: 16°42' Libra Ascendant: 7°07' Léo Midheaven: 24°13' Aries sol is 17 cancer,
George W. Bush is the son of the same name of the former President father elected in 1988. Geroge Bush (Sol and Sun in Cancer conjunct the USA sun and his moon in libra) has very strong aspects in connection with the American Nation, and he holds a Sol Moon in the presidential and political leadership sign (Capricorn) position degree that is shared with Napoleon, Mao Tse Tung, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. There is also a love hate relationship (By his sun and moon squared the USA Saturn), as many were averse, disparaged or strongly in favor of the war effort, and his often autonomous but security oriented and overly protective (Cancer with Leo Rising) that formed the Patriot Act and started the Iraq War during his years in office. Bush was a leo playboy character as a student in college at age 20 with sol conjunct his leo ascendent. His midheaven and sol MC are both in aggressive Aries, and his rising reaches his moon in Libra at age 69, in 2013, something of a strong point during his retirement, but also possible social related events such as a public service possible for his father or his mother, both of whom still survive at this time, or possibly that of the passing of the English Queen. His Father, George Bush Senior, is a 21 Gemini with a Sol at 22 libra (conjunct his Son's moon) and conjunct the USA sol mars. This would be promotions to become Presidents in 1988, 2000, and 2004.
Anne Francis Born Sept 16, 1930, 9:15 AM Ossining, NY surely a feminine and curvaceous luminous beauty (Sun in Virgo, ascendant Libra, moon in cancer) that took her to child modeling and stardom in movies and television. By age 11 she was on Broadway (progress of ascendant to her Sol Scorpio Midheaven). With her appealing inner heart of Luna (Sol Moon) conjunct her midheaven, she also starred in films by age 26 in 1956 as the (progressed moon to midheaven and sol conjunct her sol rising) in the famous sci-fi movie Forbidden Planet, and followed with other roles until 1961 with the sun to the rising in libra followed by numerous television quest appearances, and finally she notably played Honey West in 1965 on TV as Pluto and Uranus conjunct her sun in Virgo. She is remembered today with fondness (as the moon in Capricorn conjuncts her sol sign) around the world.
Robert Downey, Jr. April 4, 1965, 1:10 PM Manhattan Beach (NY) Sun: 14°45' Aries Moon:19°12' Taurus Ascendant: 13°48' Léo Midheaven: 3°38' Taurus Chinese Wood Snake Birthpath 11 sol 15virgo luna 12 gemini sol rise 18cancer sol mc is 8 scorpio events: mic to moon age 16 sun to mc age 20 sol rise to ascendant age 26 moon to luna age 30 sun to moon age 35 luna to solrise age 36 sol rise to sol age 57 sol to solmc age 53
Robert Downey, star of Iron Man (2008), and Chaplin (1992), is an Aries with moon in earthy and sensual Taurus born in 1965, he has substance abuse problems, enigmatic, and energetic, his career as a teen actor led to continuous starring roles including Chaplin at age 26 with sol rising to his ascendant, after a real beginning in his career stardom with less than Zero in 1987 at age 21 (sun to his midheaven). After the low 2000 period of drug abuse and recovery, Downey boomed with Iron Man at age 43, but has consistently made movies despite the personal setbacks.
Steve Carell August 16, 1962, 8:59 AM Concord (MA) Sun: 23°10' Léo Moon:2°55' Pisces Asc: 28°19' Virgo Midheaven: 28°01' Gemini Chinese Water Tiger Birthpath 6 sol 10 aquarius luna 25virgo solasc 19sag solmc 1sag
Carell comedic television and film work turned him into a big box office star, with a sol in natural Hollywood aquarius and his sun in leo, the acting Gemini midheaven career, and a sense of honesty and good nature with virgo rising. He would achieve some notoriety with sun to his ascendant by age 35 and by virtue of luna conjunct his rising at birth in virgo. Carell will probably continue his popularity through the midheaven to his sun at age 55. The Sol reached his moon in pisces at age 23, but this effort to success was longer awaited until his work on the Dana Carvey show in 1996, his career began to grow at age 34/35.
DR. DRE February 18, 1965 10:56 AM Los Angeles Sun: 29°55' Aquarius Moon:7°06' Libra Ascendant: 0°57' Gemini Midheaven: 11°50' Aquarius Wood Snake Birthpath 5
With three Aquarian position of his sun, moon, and midheaven Dr. Dre began his first music at age 18, he left workin’ class Wreckin Cru and his first hip-hop renaissance exposures, and then with the Moon to Sun conjunct at age 22 in 1987, the Moon arched to his Sun as N.W.A controversial and successful works began. Dre has a sol in sensitive and enigmatic Pisces, the sol sign of the whale, underwater or underworld, the Sol Moon (Luna) is in musical Gemini, and his natural romantic moon is in libra. The sol midheaven reached by his sun at age 20 and his Sol at age 25 were the peak years of his most notable work. His creative career was drawn out by Uranus in Aquarius in 1996 to 2003, and Uranus in Pisces during the first 2000 decade to connect to the Sol Midheaven at 20 Pisces conjunct his Sol Sun at 25. This probably completes his career plot, as he has continued ups and downs, saying “I just wanna be positive, helping people help themselves, not saying anything bad about anyone”. His sol ascendant in Taurus is close to conjunct his natal ascendant as personal will and soul directions are much aligned, and probably formed the strong self motivated musical expression which bordered on talented hip-hop efforts that area of sensual and personal extremes.
ELIZABETH TAYLOR February 27, 1932, 2:15 AM London
Elizabeth Taylor, born in England, has reached a level of American royalty, a child and worldwide movie star who continues her own line of beauty products. A Sol Aquarian destined for great celebrity with her sexy luminous features (Pisces Sun with luna and moon in scorpio), her ascendant is closely conjunct her sol midheaven and sag midheaven combines her world travel, appearance and beauty with creative acting career (with a Sagittarius ascendant and a libra midheaven). The Scorpio moon and birthpath 8 led a tumultuous romantic life with seven husbands, and a love of expensive jewels. The Luna arc to her Moon at age 9 and Ascendant arcs to her sol rise at age 15 began a lifelong career in film with national velvet and other films. Moving to America, her career midheaven arched to her luna at age 24 (1956) and moon to ascendant (age 25, 1957) aligned with her most beloved husband, Mike Todd, who died after in a plane accident. Then the moon at age 35 (1967) with notable academy award winning role as Virginia Wolff and as Neptune was in Scorpio, she reprised the role of Cleopatra to world fame. The Ascendant reached her sol at age 67 (1999), as she married and once again later in her 70’s. As she reaches to her 80’s, Dame Elizabeth could easily be recognized as the reigning Queen of America for both her social work in Aids and other charities.
Jeff Bridges is a calm earthy free spirited Sagittarius actor born at the full moon, the sol heart in Libra, some indecisiveness but a good hearted lover, loyal to his family, an artist also, inspired and inventive. He always looks to break the chains of topic or character, expand range and spread to new territory, from sci-fi to drama, as punker, surf boy, libertarian, alcoholic, or cowboy singer. The arc of sol to his moon at age 17 began a young career in the “first “. The ascendant arc to his sol moon at age 39 (luna) brought roles of his heart like against all odds, the fabulous baker boys, and many others. He always plays some part of himself, and as the sun reached his Sol midheaven career peak at age 63 in 2010/11 following his academy award winning performance as a has-been country singer musician.
Bridges data is from Astrotheme (as are most in this blogspot) December 4, 1949, 11:58 PM in Los Angeles, CA Sun: 12°52' Sagittarius Moon:9°26' Gemini Asc: 17°25' Virgo Midheaven: 16°15' Gemini Earth Ox Birthpath 3 (Paneagle sol data: Sol sun 22 taurus luna 26libra solasc 25 aquarius solmc 15sagittarius)
SEAN CONNERY was born August 25, 1930, a year into the depression, Sean Connery is one of the most well known people in the world. Connery is a 2nd degree virgo Sun with a sol sign in 15 cancer. His moon is in 23 virgo, and luna (sol moon) is 23 scorpio. His rising in Capricorn 6 degree is with the sol position of 7 aries. His midheaven is 18 scorpio with the sol midheaven at 14 taurus.
The main strengths are two 1) with the sun and moon in virgo, sun conjunct Neptune, his artistic nature and cool masculinity, came also with the moon in the first house and his sol rising at 7 aries, machismo and male virility along with 2) his luna conjunct the midheaven (in scorpio) marking his career as the actor with intense sexual appeal used as a perfectionist hitman secret agent weapon used by government and developed in the james bond character, and developed in many other roles, giving him great wealth and romantic heroism.
Connery began his major progressions at age 21, with the sun to his moon aspect. His sol progressed to 2 virgo to his sun degree at age 47 (1977’s Robin and Marian), and even into his elder years with the conjunct to moon at age 68 (1998 - (Entrapment, the Avengers and Finding Forrestier), he remains a reknowned professional actor. His sol rising reached his sol midheaven at age 28, certainly a career peak, and his appeal in America is noted by his moon to the U.S. Neptune (idealized sense of perfection), and especially by his Sol Sign in Cancer conjunct the USA Sun. This is absolutely empowering aspect of the soul of American filmmaking taking its people to heart. The degree of the sol midheaven is 14 taurus, the sign decade aligned so often with Hollywood celebrity. The 70’s brought him past his Bond persona, and even while making the Bond films, Connery also starred in other acclaimed films such as Marnie (1964) and Murder on the Orient Express (1974). Apart from The Man Who Would Be King and The Wind and the Lion, both released in 1975, most of Connery's successes in the next decade were as part of ensemble casts in films such as Murder on the Orient Express (1974) and A Bridge Too Far (1977).
Connery married an actress in 1962, and a french painter in 1975 who remainsl his wife. Because he has mercury at 1 libra, and venus at 17 libra, the progressed sun reached mercury at age 29 (1969), and his Venus in 1985 receiving best actor award for in the name of the rose and for his role in the Untouchables, and Highlander was made during that period. He has Jupiter at Cancer 12 and Pluto at 20 Cancer, as the Sol conjunct made all the more world appeal and powerful personality. In 2000 he was knighted. When Pluto and Uranus were conjunct to his Moon in Virgo at the peak of Bondmania in the 1960’s, with Neptune being in Scorpio aligned with his midheaven and Sol Moon of great idealized appeal when Connery was most potent. He was diagnosed with a heart ailment in 2009, as he has mostly retired in his later years, still active in voice over usi9ng his signature voice with Pluto conjunct his rising in 2011, when he will be 81 years old.
Albert Einstein opposite of Pisces and Virgo Sol Sun and Sol Moon is a key figure of his important place at the last century of the Pisces age and his scientific work in Relativity. His Uranus (science theory and discovery) is conjunct his sol moon at 1 Virgo. How perfectly place this relation of sol and natal chart positions is. In his lifetime, the Sun at 23 Pisces found a solar arc at age 23, a key important life events as his rising creative study in Science. In 1905 at age 26, Einstein wrote four fundamental papers which became the basics of his work, all within a few months time. His first marriage came in 1900, 3 years before this sol to sun arc. It is possible the time of birth and his sol degree is slightly earlier, falling in late aquarius, and would coincide better with 1903, but the 1905 date follows just 2 years later by the degrees past the sun position. Undoubtedly he was thinking of what he would later discover. 1915 was the year he completed his theory of relativity and published worldwide. The solar arc to his Venus of 16 Aries came at age 30 in 1909.
Einstein achieved worldwide notoriety by the 1920’s, but when he moved to foreign land (America) by the sign of his moon in Sagittarius, a world and universal traveler, he would by age 99 after his death still be recognized as a principal figure in his profession. The key progression of his ascendant to his sol moon came at age 50, in 1929, as the world depression hit. He did announce a heartfelt project of his unified field theory in 1929, which went unproven, and marked a life long ambition he was never able to complete. In 1933 he completed his transition to residence in Princeton in the USA and avoidance of living in Nazi Germany. His death in 1955 at age 76, came in New Jersey.
Prince Charles des galles was born a Scorpio with sol in Sagittarius, his moon and sol moon in Taurus. He shows a concern for humanity and the Earth and willingness to explore new ideas in medicine or business, but is also strongly traditional and historically dominated by the family karma. With the ascendant in Leo, he has strong royal ties to his Taurus mother and grandmother as well as some association with former Kings by his name, one was beheaded the other exiled, leading us to believe in the possibility of past lives in these royal circles.
Charles has midheaven and sol moon in Aries and sol midheaven is in Gemini, a very busy and intellectual leader. He would seem destined to one day become King, and this Aries positions are reached by Uranus in 2016, and the Moon in 2017, while his mother will become the longest reigning Queen of England in 2012.
His sol rising in Aquarius is conjunct Princess Diana moon, which was opposite Uranus in Leo, and ruling her 8th house, indicating a public and unusual death and the strained marriage which ended in divorce, perhaps because Cancer is not strong in his chart signs. The main events of Charles life would include the (Aries mc to sol moon at age 13) in 1961 of his first agreement to being Prince of Wales, and MC to the Ascendant at age 17 in School. The key life year was 1980 (sun to his sol at age 32) surrounding his initiation to relationship and marriage to Diana in 1981.
Charles has seen the Moon to SOL MC at 40 (1988) with the births of his two sons, and (Luna to sol mc at age 45) of 1992/3 and separation from Diana, which was moved also by Pluto in conjunction to his Sun. As Pluto reached opposition to his sol mc during the following year after the divorce in 1996, he has since taken to life with Camilla Parker Bowles, and now (Sol Arc comes to his Sol Rise Aquarius at age 55), as the MC reaches his Sol MC at age 60 in 2008 he finds a career peak as he works in humanitarian and strong environmental concerns, during which he had become somewhat publicly noted for arguments but continues married since April, 2005.
Prince Charles November 14, 1948 London Sun: 22°25' Scorpio Moon:0°26' Taurus Asc: 5°20' Léo Midheaven: 13°11' Aries Earth Rat Birthpath 11 SOL 25SAG luna 26aries solrise 20aqu solmc11gemini
Kate Middleton is set to marry Prince William in 2011, and it appears (through the cancer moon to his sun) they will become well united and devoted to their children. The Pluto conjunct to her sun in 5 or 6 years suggests the family change and ascension of Prince Charles could be around 2016. Her sun in Capricorn has leadership qualities also, as she becomes part of the royal traditions. Her moon is in the strongest position of her planets. Her appearance of a Gemini quality makes me think she is born after noon, not before. Perhaps with Gemini or Cancer rising of a time in late afternoon, or with early am birth as an Aries sol is a possibility to match with William and his Aries positions. Being a July marriage, they unite the Cancerian traits of family interests.
The human condition. Sociopathy and disability are becoming very common terms. One could apply that a majority of people have some form of disability, although it may not be severe or be a handicap, intellectual or otherwise. The gender scope of disability gives us genetic map of potential illness and disease, and other inherent problems. In general, all humans hold some form of disability (karma) which they are working off or on in this lifetime. This is not a bad thing.
Sociopathy is a form of severe disability where an individual highlights social stigma or distress, a disability from background history, genetic, history or personal environment. That it becomes sociopathy means they will act out in social relationship, even to what we may call sociophobic behavior, basically negating or resistant to social mores and acceptable behaviors. They in essence are anti-social to some extreme.
Lindsay Lohan shows this sociophobic presentation. She has a Sagittarius sol, and when Pluto conjunct in the last decade, she became both a public figure and had come to her sociophobic activity. Drugs, solicitation by appearance, acting out, through her movies or her lifestyle, and theft, all involve the sociophobia she is exemplifying leading her to institutionalized experiences. The nature of sociophobia is you can’t escape pulbic attention, and the behavior now removes her from direct public activity, while it keeps her in public memory and media subjugation. This is a rather obtuse and acute phobia, where no real escape is possible, despite her strong motivations.
The spiritual Soulogy (psychology of soul) of Lindsay can free her. It is a true inner connection to her soul, and beyond the physical and social consciousness. This is not through death, but the unknowing Soul may have difficulty coping with it. It may be that she does know Soul, and therefore is aware of how this society feeds on Sociophobia. Society in its' own disability is rather acute by it. So she has presented herself as a case subject, in order to point this out. She is actually serving the media celebrity worship and co-dependency with her own brand of Soulogism. Only, I think a high price. It is not that she has lost her soul, but that she wishes to find it beyond the social identity which she has placed herself in, and which she wishes to also be released from. But it is not physical escape, but personal attribution to Soul itself, which will free her. In short, identity with Soul is the only true identity, not the physical person only. But that it is connected to our physical, it must be identified in our waking conscious life.
The Astrology of Lindsay Lohan is poignant to this attribution in the Sol sign of Sagittarius, which she shares with Marilyn Monroe. Marilyn was used as a role model literally by Lindsay during one of her media exposition phases. Now perhaps she will look within for the other side of freedom in Soul, and become one of those true soul travelers of her own far country. Ms. Lohan may be free willed but not possessed of Sociopathy. Her disability is simply in allowing herself to be free and who she is, not objectified or identified. Maybe she will, for she may also symbolize for many others who would otherwise also do just as well.
Everything has a season, and to all its' purpose.