These SOL CHART READINGS of famous people show how the method works.
May 26, 1948, 3:02 AM in:Phoenix (AZ) Sun: 5°03' Gemini Moon:15°01' Capricorn Ascendant: 18°38' Aries Midheaven: 11°18' Capricorn Chinese Astrology: Earth Rat Numerology: Birthpath 8 SOL 3aquarius luna 1libra solrise 8tau mc 18aquarius
Stevie the musical Gemini songstress is a sol Aquarian, independent solo act or playing with Fleetwood mac, (Capricorn moon conjunct her MC and Aries rising). Nicks torched her way to success first with the (Sol rise to her Sun) at age 27 (1975) as she (libra sol moon) and Libran Lindsay Buckingham joined the english rhythm section with unparalled rock melody and harmony.
With (Capricorn moon arc to her MC) at age 33 brought first solo career (1981) work, the Sun to her Cancer descendent at age 36 (1984) with her 80’s Enchanted solo albums, and the Rising arc to Stevie’s Sun at age 47 (1995) as a second jump with the album Trouble in Shangri la that followed. This year as Jupiter conjuncts her Ascendent, she releases Secret Love, the third solo return with her first album in over 10 years and joins Capricorn Rod Stewart on tour (with her MC and Moon conjunct in Capricorn). She again touches the heart and soul of music lovers and spirit dancers who share her love of music and rock and roll, the Sol Rise (soul) reaches her SOL IC(heart) at age 63 this year (2011), a perfect exposition of the sol arc method.
Barack Obama was elected the first ever African-American U.S.President in 2008 as idealistic Neptune was conjunct his rising in public minded Aquarius. The Leo Lion is among numerous other Leaders such as Bill Clinton and Arnold Scwarzenegger. His first major arc of Sol to his Moon in Gemini at age 30 led to degrees and public office, and the rising arc to his sol ascendant at age 46 (2007) brought him strong appeal and a conjunction to his Jupiter. Barack loves sports, reading, traveling, and speaking, all parts of his Leo and Gemini character, but his Taurus Sol is working on economic and environment issues in the public forum. His wife Michelle shares her Sol Moon and his Sol Sun in Taurus conjunct as perhaps the strongest relationship bond one can have.
The Future Obama: He will continue to be influential with the Moon arc to his Sun in Leo at age 69, and even up to his MC arc to his Ascendent at age 80. Uranus will conjunct his Sol ascendant in 2011 indicating a rise in political fortune, while the Pluto to his Sol MC indicates a challenge to his political and ideal career motivations around the year 2019. Obama was born with Agena conjunct his Midheaven in Scorpio indicating success with the masses, good health and high morals and his destiny to become the first black President. Jupiter will conjunct his Sol in 2012, and his Moon during the election period of 2012. Pluto quincunx his Sun in 2013 is not a positive indication for his long term public ambitions and the health plan and social security initiatives he has motivated the nation towards. Obama shared his moon and ascendant and sol sign with the USA Moon, Sol, Pluto and jupiter venus conjunction in the signs of Aquarius, Taurus, Gemini, Capricorn relating his heart, soul, transformation and economic and political purposes during his residency.
Jake Gylenhall is a very fortunate Son of Entertainers who was born with a triple conjunction of Sagittarius Sun and SOL sun conjunct (on the sol midheaven also), and his Moon and Sol moon (LUNA) are also conjunct. This is a very unusual and special Sol* arrangement for any lifetime. His adventure and freedom in acting career is notable, as is his romantic appeal and celebrity, although he plays serious roles of often dysfunctional or people in difficult experience. I suspect a long history in past lives in acting and among those in that profession.
Jake (Leo Ascendent) has his midheaven in the degree of Taurus corresponds with the longitude of Hollywood. Others who share this Taurus are sun signs of Hollywood royalty, Jack Nicholson, Barbara Streisand, Shirley Maclaine, among many others born in late April. Destiny was written on the wall from Jake's early age (Sol Moon progressed to his sol Moon at age 6). His sol ascendent at 18 pisces shows a sensitive and creative inner nature, joyful if sometimes dispirited. He found love with one March Born actress, but it may well be the January born woman who becomes his eventual partner. He would have gone through some changes with Reese Witherspoon and their public romance during the 2006-8 years when Pluto was conjunct in Sagittarius. He needs to tone the wild side, and be careful in his process of becoming a greater soul, which is his necessary direction with the triple conjunction. An Icon he may be, but he does not wish to carry that falseness with him. He may look to more success shortly with Uranus and Jupiter in happy aspects during the next year and 7 years from now.
Renee Zelwegger April 25, 1969, 2:41 PM Baytown Tx (Key years 26 (moon rising), age 35 sun to MC, luna to sol 26 and age 27 mc to luna luna to solrise 39 mc to sol age 53)
Renee Zelwegger made her mark with the film Jerry McQuire in 1996, (she had three major arcs occur in that year (moon rising, luna to sol, and midheaven to luna). She won academy awards, the first in 2001 after having broken up with Jim Carrey, first for her role in Bridget Jones which was written also in 1996. Later she was honored for Chicago and Cold Mountain as she reached her second milestone in 2004/5 with the sun to her midheaven career peak, which included an amicable annulment from singer Kenny Chesney. Renee also was in the process of making the biography of Beatrix Potter and Cinderella Man which gave her more awards and nominations.
A third key year was 2008/9 when she made Appaloosa and Case 39 and My One and Only. There will be one more grand star event at age 53, though her career shall likely continue with many successes as the midheaven arcs to her sol in Aquarius. Renee has her sol conjunct by the USA Moon, and even if born of Norwegian and Siwss parents, reminding us of Ingrid Bergman, she was born in Texas, and is truly an American Film Darling. She is a Taurus sun which aligns with the Hollywood latitude shared by many born in Late April including names such as Maclaine, Thurman, Nicholson, Streisand and Winger. Her Aquarian Sol and Sol Moon is the sign of public figures, icons, and humanitarians. Often electic in taste, they also are very individual and independent, although I think she may prefer intimacy. The Moon in leo is a high entertainer with romances among them, but her virgo rising is quite serious about her craft and fashion, the sol rise in Pisces adding that sensitivity and artistry, combined versatility is quite extraordinary and for which she is so well known, being one of the highest paid actresses today through her Gemini midheaven, acting is quite her natural career.
Paneagle is the founder of Pandata2000 and Sol Astrology. He was born with Nu Ophiuchi (new doctor healer) conjunct his Mercury and Chiron in Capricorn. During Neptune to his Sun in Sagittarius in 1980, he became the first Galactician forming the Galactic Zodiac and ‘pure positive’ Harmonic Astrology. In 1995, As Uranus conjunct his progressed Sun and Sol Moon in Aquarius, he developed the Sol Zodiac and began writing his E-Series of Nine Books, writing in multiple genre works of self-help (Dancing in the Kitchen), fiction (Destiny), screenplay (Soul Rocker), songs (Pure Love, Eternal Beloved), reality fiction (The Ameriginal), and poetry (The Master's Garden).
His Arc of the Moon to his Sol Midheaven at age 50 in 2001 came in the "Year of the Star Child" when he announced the Sol Zodiac and Eagle Works, and shared writing of an award winning relationships software. Although he continues work much under the world radar, he continues to develop new works such as Soulogy, Spiritual Psychology, and the music screenplay. As the Sun arc’s to his Luna (sol moon) at age 55 in 2003, he met his wife and they were publicly married on January 1, 2011 under a very favorable sol trine and a Jupiter Uranus conjunction. They share a sol moon to sol sun in Aquarius, a great love bond signature. The Sol sun arc to his Midheaven in Virgo at age 74 shows a steady rise to perfection of life work.
Genius heaven
Edwin Barlow, the First Teacher of the Year was born dec 11, 1922 – A short analysis of a genius chart: sun conjunct merc in sag (high intelligence), moon in virgo (heart for functional detail) square sun and merc (objective and critical), sol sign Taurus or Gemini (either down to earth character, or mercurial type) Venus in scorpio (intensity) - Mars in pisces (reclusive) – mars conjunct Uranus (war involvement) with mars in sol aries (is conjunct DA’s sol sign in Aries- the hero) internally aggressive and proponent of a specific teaching style - His venus conjunct DA’s rising and Jupiter in scorpio – a distinct and deep love/warmth/joy to know the person - Jupiter trine Uranus is distinct and profound intelligence. These two planets join again this year. - Mr. Barlow died in a very significant year for Eckankar when the religion of light and sound of God built the temple of ECK in 1990, October, in Minnesota, and was open to public. He was said to be devout or religious, although very privately so.
*The word Sol means light of the sun, inner light, or Soul. A Sol Chart is the special inner harmonic chart of a person's galactic signs of birth using the degrees of the minute of arc (60th harmonic). This is directly related to the hour of arc degree used in common astrology, and gives a full lifetime perspective of an individual.
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