Sunday, May 7, 2023

Eneverland have you seen lyrics paneaglesong vers 7.09

i had a memory of my past lives, actually many of them, some by dream visions, some by regression technique in 75, some by research of 40 years, some by associative intuitive, and one by LSD also back in 70, but one was as JOSEPH OF ARIMETHEA, which I did not recognize, whetn I was hiding from the soldiers all over in a white city walled street, and mistook it for various bible characters, including peter, my namesake, but as one who has recall and certainty of past lives and relations in this present life, recognize this, as you seem too except you only had a view of yourself with this JESHUA, but did not say who you were in that time, just that you had the transcendent transformative experience which I have had also, but not the same at all, my realization was past lives related to the ARIMETHEAN the Tin merchant who started the first church in England and buried at Gethsame (spelling?) healed the wounds and removed the body and knew Jesus came back in vision similar to the one described to allow the disciples to recognize, not to believe in resurrected lord except as representative o this (so the real resurrection is of each of us to see, yes we have reborn souls, but our return is not the holy end, so then I traveled often and after this event, likely with Mary to France and later repeated this in the Island east of UK near scotland but also saving other form or groups was with henry viii as he established a new church as well and also native tribe american sioux as black elk 1800;s and involved with the indians wars in america/canada 1700 and also as an American leader family who fought slavery legally (amistad trial) and the economic boondoggle which we have today in increasing MAN manipulations and covidity. (covid IDIOCY experiment). of authoritarian this lifetime the same desire of freedom as friends of people like john lennon * imagine and jimi hendrix (sky church) and with music (as my great grandfather who promoted gods fiddler Heifetz in 1917 to 1940 a man who was played at the front during world war II and created electric car model to promote anti again the desire for sacing the natural environment and related horrors of the psychic atmospheres which is to say, if we think Love is answer, we will not see through the smog cloud of deceit and greed and passions of the mind which overtakes righteous intent and the resistance to being set FREE by what you called GODS LOVE...the fear of which is a true motivated idea, for true true,.. SO.... I do not reveal we need to know all our past lives or what is causing on US today but it is not a bad thing and the denial aye of it serves to reveal its truth, which I know is there is no one religion or god as it were, belief systems all are just resurrected ideas also, so we can recognize but no longer need follow anything but the One that is this Universal or TRU REALITY ISNISS and the NU AEGIS (gesus genesis genus) for which we know not by any song verse or word, except as IT IS ALL IS and THE ISNISS (thus chrISt representing) and make this call to share or intentionally reveal even if in silence or composition, may it be only like the great sound, in the gift to John is that we were together in that life, and when I saw jesus in the square street walking with cross, yes tears etc...and the feeling I know you know we know... is going beyond the creation so we may know ;heaven; now here IS.. see HEY PANEAGLESONG on youtube as 1000 videos, 50o or more songs as we do what we can without thought of return...or agenda...just LUV

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