Wednesday, August 31, 2011


This ELECTION NIGHT 2012 in November will come with a MOON IN LEO, as Lion Leo's Barack Obama and Ron Paul may vie for President. * It would seem Roseanne Barr and many others are not so nighted to win, but candidates deserve respect even if less political or connected ** Ron Paul will affect the election, even if others are slightly more obscured. I still predict Obama wins, as incumbent is hard to remove ***


Dear Roseanne Barr;

I am 100% supportive of your election run. I know your not nuts at all. Going for it is GOOD.

You can run a low cost or cost free election, which is refreshing at many levels. Television interviews would be nearly enough. I knew all the candidates in 2008 are wasting ‘our money’ just like the military and war on drug policing does. Why run a fatally losing bid for election? Keeping truth alive, you are standing for good things which we need. Legal marijuana being one of them. Elected officials should not be bought and paid for. Work the media and run your tours with in person visits.

If I may comment, Roseanne, your born in the month of wealth, but your economic ideas (no cash money) seem short sighted, but you have very good points. Yes to marijuana decriminalization. Yes to devalue college loans. Yes to being the people’s choice. Yes to Green Tea Party. Yes to having the people be your vice president and input on decisions, likely done via internet voting. Yes to green energy. Yes to campaign donation changes. Yes, to being President gratis; Just the book alone after election would seem like enough earnings to me. Why not write the book before your elected? The people do have to pay for the house and meals and travel of the President. Who would need a salary? You could be the first online campaign write-on candidate.

On election day, my stars are 90% compatible. Yours show 63% which is good. Obama is the only other who I see stands a chance. Because I think it is possible a woman will be elected in 2020, your still a good candidate for opening door. I hope you will let me be of support. Why not “assume as if” your already President, and already the people’s choice, receiving the votes of the people for what they truly want. Do it all online. It will be a great service.

This is the same as your assumption you will do the will by the people and for the people. Look and act the part, and there is a chance. Humor goes a long way, a lot better than being a candidate of anger and arrogance, which is what most seem to be. Revolutions begin from within, your ground breaking strategy is wise, so make sure it is sound enough for the people to really hear it.

You are a SOL sign AQUARIUS, the Winged Horse, with an inner side being universal, and a progressive people's humanitarian. As a friend of yours, my own history of many lifetimes includes this one growing up in the town Bill Clinton lives in now, New York, and a descendant of first Massachusetts Governors. I have a last name of the second and sixth presidents too. Today I am a “spiritual psychologist” with 40 years as the American Sol Astrologer. Serendipity shows me that our charts are at high friendship levels. We think a lot alike. I even lived on the Johnson's mac-nut farm in east Hawaii. Now I live in rich farm land area (with my wife and stepson) in a former Garden of Eden in North Florida. It could be Eden again, if not for the people who live here. It may be once again. Let it unfold. A Golden Age once more.


Best of Luck and Love; Peter

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